It is not Good Bye, It is See You Later........
I am very sorry that our course, Web Skills, has come to its final term. It has, I believe been very inspirational to all of us, the course attendants. I wish if it were online possible to ceremoniously mark the ending of our course with such a colorful closing ceremony. Some buffet in the middle of the online room, some champagne, slow classic music filling the air, and we the people of the day dressed in our finest led by our heroin instructor, Donna, wow! How wonderful could it have been! I sometimes imagine technology would go to such extent that concepts such like time and distance will no more become an issue. Any ways, This week as the last week in the course has also come with some learning tool, the Loti. After going through the site and reading the framework for that I came to conclude that the web has every thing a teacher needs to grow and develop. One fascinating thing about Loti is it tells you where your actual level is as a teacher. In my case I was really surprised to end up being at the Level two, Exploration level. I used to consider my self somewhat higher than that, a teacher of some accomplished success. But Loti showed me the stairs I still need to climb as a teacher, all the way up.In general although this last week was relatively the easiest as we had to do very little, yet it has also offered us with the opportunity to look at our real image as teachers from like the clearest mirror before us.
One of the tasks we had to do for this week was to suggest some useful insights for the coming new batch trainees. I have also given my suggestions there. In my views any one attending such an inspiring course is very privileged in deed. The second thing any one planing to take the course must know is s/he must prepare themselves for such demanding work. The third thing is being consistent in all your Nicenet discussion posts and blogs. If one is able to fulfill all this success is at hand.
Well, I have come to the part where I have to say good bye and I am feeling too sad already. What can I do I wish if the course had been for indefinite time, but for every good thing there is an end. And here it is ending. How ever it is not good bye guys, it is see you later. May be some other time in the future our lives would cross on the road of our profession. Until then I wish every one A bright future!!!